v1.1.6 – Fixed Fee Bug Fix

Today, we patched a fixed fee issue where fee_hopsie was being stored as a string. This will no longer be the case and will allow the token to function properly.

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v1.1.5 – Donor Perfect Token Meta

We’re happy to announce that we have added more meta information to the save_gift token to support our Donor Perfect plugin.

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v1.1.2 – Donor Perfect Search Functionality

Recently, we have added search functionality to the Donor Perfect plugin. Users will also be able to update the DP plugin to check for an existing donor and update donor details as they wish. Further, we changed the way DP interacts with Hopsie, as it will now use…

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v1.1.0 – Plugin Infrastructure + Donor Perfect API Integration

Yesterday afternoon we added database infrastructure to support third party plugins that will execute after a donation is processed. We were also able to add the functionality for posting “donors” and “gifts” to the Donor Perfect CRM when a donation is processed. Currently, this can be activated by…

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v1 – API Roll Out

Today, we are proud to announce the debut of our new application programming interface (API). The new API will feature a robust site editor which will allow the user to manage donation forms, transactional emails, recurring donations, and much more. In addition to these features, donors will now…

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v1.2.9 – Processing Fees Bug Fixes

Today we shipped major improvements to how processing fees are handled through the API. If you’ve been using the Hopsie API since the start you know how much time has been spent on processing fees. This is an integral part of online payments, and even more important for…

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v1.2.8 – Subscription ID and Amount Tokens

Today we shipped an addition to our email tokens that provides values for Subscription ID and Subscription amount. These additions are mainly being used in the recurring donation processed email template so that you can link a donor directly to the management page of a subscription and show…

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v1.2.7 – Fundraiser Visibility Control & Form Donation Count Token

Today we shipped an update to how Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser’s visibility is controlled from the Hopsie admin. Nonprofit users wanted to be able to control whether or not a Fundraiser was public from their fundraising microsite, as well as active but only via a direct url. This essentially allows…

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v1.2.6 – Donor Perfect Sync

Today we added new functionality that allows users of the Donor Perfect plugin to manually connect and sync donor records between Hopsie and Donor Perfect. We received requests from multiple users who were having problems getting existing Hopsie donors associated with Donor Perfect donors. This caused problems, for…

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