It’s almost here. One of the biggest days of the year for nonprofits around the world, #GivingTuesday is entering its sixth year of celebrating philanthropy with its global day of giving. This year, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season on November 28th. With over 1.6 million online gifts made in 98 different countries in 2016, #GivingTuesday has proven to be a huge opportunity to kickstart the holiday season, increase visibility, motivate donors, and get your story out there. Whether you’re fully prepared for #GivingTuesday 2017 or just starting to put your plans together, read through our list of tips below to ensure you’ve checked off all the boxes for a successful, rewarding #GivingTuesday.
Come up with a fundraising goal
When you set up a goal for #GivingTuesday, not only are you giving yourself a way to measure your success, but you’re also setting your organization up for a more rewarding fundraiser. Studies show that when you set a public donation goal, you’re likely to raise more money than you would without one. It’s also a great way to motivate your donors and get them excited about helping you achieve your goal and further your mission. Set your sights high this year and give your nonprofit a goal that’s attainable, but will push you and your donors to achieve it.
Create a cohesive messaging strategy
It’s important to create an overall messaging strategy for #GivingTuesday that’s going to resonate with your donors and motivate them to give. A big part of this is creating a story to go along with your fundraiser. When writing about your #GivingTuesday fundraiser, consider what your donors are going to want to know: What’s the purpose of this particular fundraiser? What is the money going toward? How will my donation specifically help the overall mission? Let your donors know what their money is accomplishing by attaching a tangible goal to every donation, i.e. $50 builds a well in a remote village, $100 gives an entire village access to clean water.

Use email and social media to spread the word
Create email and social media campaigns to get your #GivingTuesday story out there. Especially in the weeks leading up to #GivingTuesday, it’s important to prime your donors by sharing your story, getting them excited about giving, and making sure they understand what an enormous impact their donations will have. Share as much as you can about your organization and all the awesome things you’re going to accomplish with the funds you raise during #GivingTuesday. Use the hashtag #GivingTuesday to increase your visibility and encourage your followers to share your posts and reach out to their own communities about donating.

Create a branded donation page.
Set up a custom, branded donation page in order to effectively tell your story and make donating for #GivingTuesday as simple as possible. Hopsie makes it incredibly easy to set up a custom, branded page specifically for #GivingTuesday. When you set up a #GivingTuesday donation form, you’ll be able to capture all the data related to your #GivingTuesday campaign, giving your organization valuable insight. Hopsie’s custom fundraising pages also allow you set up #GivingTuesday-specific emails and tax receipts so you can properly thank your donors.

Partner with sponsors or teams with peer-to-peer
Consider running a Peer-to-Peer campaign for #GivingTeusday this year to maximize your fundraising potential. By asking teams to partner with you and raise money on your behalf during #GivingTuesday, you’re expanding your reach and spreading the word through those who are setting up fundraising pages for your organization. Check out our blog post that outlines the best peer-to-peer fundraising practices and see how easily you can pair with sponsors and other donors to create successful and rewarding #GivingTuesday.
Making #GivingTuesday your top priority
The momentum built during #GivingTuesday is priceless. You know how important the holiday season is for your organization and #GivingTuesday is the perfect way to get a jump start on the biggest month of the year. #GivingTuesday helps you gain visibility, get people excited about your cause, and motivate donors to continue to give to your organization throughout the year. Take advantage of the #GivingTuesday by making it your top priority this month. You’ll be happy you did.
If you have any questions about #GivingTuesday and what you can do to get the most out of your online fundraisers, don’t hesitate to reach out to Hopsie.